Great Ormond Street Hospital

Our family has much to thank Great Ormond Street Hospital for their care of children. We are therefore sponsoring the hospital during our tour. If you would like to make a donation, please click on the link below


Saturday, 20 August 2011

Day 23 Castletown to John O Groats

pausing outside John O Groats Youth Hostel where we spent last night

Today’s miles 15, final total 1030

Today’s tour was a short celebration . We could have finished yesterday evening but decided to do the last 15 miles into John O Groats this morning. Once again, the weather was fine this morning as we set off at 9.15am for the short trip along NCN 1 via the quiet back lanes to John O Groats.
about to set off from Castletown
3 miles to go!

The trip was taken at easy pace and we covered the last 15 miles in just under an hour and a half to arrive at the somewhat dilapidated John O Groats Hotel at 10.45. We passed on chap who had similarly just completed his Lejog that morning and two more couples arrived later that morning after us.
Great views towards the Orkney’s and light rain started around 11.00pm
the Team cross the finish line (Tommy crossed first!)
a bit of 'first and last' retail therapy in the local shop!

After the customary photos at the finish Line our adventure was over…or so we thought! We packed up the car and drove to Glasgow that afternoon staying in a hotel next to George Square to find that the northern part of the Square was being used as a film set of Philadelphia. An actor called Brad Pitt was starring, anybody ever heard of him? Dinnerthat night  was at the excellent Rogano's Restaurant in Glasgow.
Thomas Grant completed his LEJOG on 18 August 2011, aged 11 years, 3 months


  1. Fantastic achievement - very happy and proud of you all. Catch up with you after your well deserved break.

    PS Guess Alastair has to find another reason to wear the Lycra now?!

  2. Hi Angela
    Do you think Spain is ready for 'Grant the Mamil' (middle aged man in lycra)!

  3. Well done you guys! Just gotta work off the rest of that beer belly AG!


  4. Alastair, I'm not sure Spain is ready for "Grant the Mamil"... or anywhere on this planet for that matter ;-P Have fun in Spain and see you before you know it.... back at the office!

    Roy - you're so cheeky!

    Sarah-Jane - the things you have to put up with... ;-P


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