Great Ormond Street Hospital

Our family has much to thank Great Ormond Street Hospital for their care of children. We are therefore sponsoring the hospital during our tour. If you would like to make a donation, please click on the link below


Thursday, 11 August 2011

Day 16 Lochranza to Oban: a spot of rain or two……..

Todays mileage 62, running total 746

Yesterday’s rain was surpassed by todays, although we had some respite from around midday when the rain relented. We later learned from BBC 2 that the last two days were the wettest on record for August in Scotland!
leaving the Lochranza ferry on Kinytre

We woke with rain, crossed on the ferry to Kintyre in rain and then had a major climb and freewheel down to the pretty port of Tarbet. By the time we reached Tarbet we were soaked to the skin and had to literally change every stitch of clothing.
cycling past Lochranza Castle

We had a two hour wait at Tarbet before the weather relented and enabled us to cycle on towards Oban.
By the afternoon the rain had stopped but we had to negotiate flooded roads and swollen streams
cycling towards Oban

 before we eventually arrived at Oban Youth Hostel where Tommy was piped in by the local piper!
What a welcome at Oban SYHA!

Spending an evening with the staff at Oban SYHA drinking wine!


  1. RAIN RAIN oh dear where did the ferry from lochranza come into on kintryre ...campbeltown or claonaig ... found tarbet ok not got a very good map !!

  2. Hi Jo!
    The answer is Claonig!
    Now in Fort Billy!

  3. Angela L aka Jinglefish12 August 2011 at 14:25

    OK, fess up - who couldn't resist having a try at the bagpipes then? Surely one of you... or had all the puff been spent? Looks lovely despite the weather. Not long to go now!

  4. Hi Angela!
    not even Tommy had enough courage to ask for a blow of the pipes. Nice guy though, he 'piped' us into the hostel!


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