Great Ormond Street Hospital

Our family has much to thank Great Ormond Street Hospital for their care of children. We are therefore sponsoring the hospital during our tour. If you would like to make a donation, please click on the link below


Monday 1 August 2011

Day 5 Taunton to Bristol. Miles today 59; running total 242 miles

Across the Somerset Levels, past Cheddar and into Avon.

The cycling today was generally flat with only three biggish hills which is just as well since it was our longest day on the saddle.
The 'Oily Rag' carries out some essential maintenance

Weather continues to be great and the best part of the ride was the cycleway known as the Strawberry Line: a disused railway from Cheddar to Yatton. Here is the ‘planning ‘ angle: our lunch stop was at the disused railway station at Sandford, all listed buildings and refurbished with money from the surrounding ‘old folks’ development.

The route went  through some pretty towns
Axbridge, just past Cheddar

before we went over the River Avon  and into Bristol  through some unsavoury housing estates where you would not want to leave your bike!

Here we are in a Harvester Restaurant which is a first for 4 out of the 5 travellers. The waitress took our picture.

Short day tomorrow, so we get a lie in at the Travelodge tonight


  1. Is it me or is that Benny Hill eating in a Harvester !!!!!!!

  2. Never mind Benny Hill; check out the scantily clad bits of fluff sitting around the table ( and the bloke who is always getting tapped on the head by Benny)!


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